Just Released: SharePoint 2010 and Windows Azure Training Course
June 28, 2011Speaking at the Microsoft SharePoint Conference 2011
July 22, 2011SharePointPro Connections magazine just published my second article in a two part series about creating mashup applications in SharePoint 2010.
In the first article, I walk you through how to integrate BCS data with External Lists and Silverlight applications and how to use Bing maps to map the BCS data. I also demonstrate how to use Silverlight to Silverlight communication.
In the second article, I demonstrate how to work with videos and the Assets Library in SharePoint 2010 and how to wire up the out of the box Silverlight video player and the SharePoint ratings controls using JavaScript. I also discuss how to communicate between a Silverlight application and a web page.
This series of articles contains all the code from my how to make You Tube with SharePoint session and my creating Mashups in SharePoint 2010 that numerous folks ask me about each week. Enjoy!