Speaking at the Fall 2010 SharePoint Connections Conference
October 21, 2010
SPD 2010 – Collect Data From User Activity – Missing Column
October 27, 2010
Speaking at the Fall 2010 SharePoint Connections Conference
October 21, 2010
SPD 2010 – Collect Data From User Activity – Missing Column
October 27, 2010

MSDN white paper: Creating and Publishing Excel 2010 Documents with Custom SharePoint 2010 Workflows

A white paper I wrote for MSDN, Creating and Publishing Excel 2010 Documents with Custom SharePoint 2010 Workflows is now available.  If you are interested in learning how to automate the creation of Microsoft Excel documents with a SharePoint workflow go take a look.  In this white paper I cover how to use SharePoint list data to generate Excel documents with the Open XML 2.0 API and publish them to a SharePoint web site.