A Simple SharePoint 2013 App To Create Geolocation Fields and Map Views
September 18, 2012
HOW TO: Access a SharePoint Development Virtual Environment from an iPad without using a proxy server
October 11, 2012
A Simple SharePoint 2013 App To Create Geolocation Fields and Map Views
September 18, 2012
HOW TO: Access a SharePoint Development Virtual Environment from an iPad without using a proxy server
October 11, 2012

Over the past couple of months, my team and I have had the pleasure of working together with Darrin Bishop and Eric Harlan to create the official SharePoint Saturday Mobile application.

You can learn all about the SPS Mobile application here, on the official SharePoint Saturday web site.  Here’s a little taste of what’s in the app right now.  There is so much more functionality coming very shortly, stay tuned!

See upcoming events


Find an upcoming event


See details for an event


The application is available today in the Android and Windows Phone marketplaces, and should be available in the Apple marketplace very soon.  We’re launching the application in a phased approach and today marks the launch of phase 1!  Although we have laid out a 4 phased release approach, we have already finished 95% of the work for all four phases and the next update in the marketplace will most likely include all four phases of functionality.

We really hope you enjoy using the SPS Mobile application to enhance your SharePoint Saturday experience!  Spread the word!


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