SP Fest Denver Session Follow Up
September 25, 2014
Deep Dive O365 APIs and Mobile App MVA Training Now Available
December 5, 2014We’re really excited to announce our latest release of the SPS Events Mobile application! In this release we made some major steps forward to ensure the mobile app always has the most up to date information for SPS Events apps around the world. You can read more about the new features and enhancements below.
During this release phase my team and I worked with Gary Lapointe, Darrin Bishop and Eric Harlan to integrate the mobile app with the www.spsevents.org web site and add new functionality to the mobile app.
Read on below to learn more about the app, how you can get it, and answers to many frequently asked questions. Please spread the word to all the SPS Events organizers and attendees you know so they can take advantage of this free mobile app and get the most out of their SPS Events experience with it.
When you attend an SPS Events conference you need to find out where the event is and how to get there, what time it starts and ends, what sessions are available to attend, who the presenters are, what room the sessions are in, what time they begin, etc. SPS Events Mobile puts all of this information at your fingertips as well as providing you the ability to build your own personal event schedule.
How to get it
The SPS Events Mobile application is now available for Apple, Android, and Windows Phone devices!
You can find the SPS Events Mobile application in the Apple, Google, and Microsoft marketplaces at the following links. These links also include screenshots of the SPS Events Mobile application.
New Features in this release
We added several new features to the app in this release, including:
* Data integration with the www.spsevents.org web site!
When an event organizer creates, updates, or deletes data in the www.spsevents.org web site the data is automatically synched into the mobile database.
This means that the mobile app is always up to date with the latest event information.
In the past, we had a hard time getting event organizers to supply us with event information and as a result the app rarely had any real events in it. This will no longer be the case! 🙂
* View Sponsors
Sponsorship Level
* View Event-specific Announcements
This provides event organizers with the ability to make global announcements specific to their event.
An example might be something like “There is a blue car parked outside with license plate SPS-EVNT that has it’s lights on.”, or other such announcements everyone at the event needs to know about.
* View Event-specific Events and Activities
Things like the Keynote, Lunch, and SharePint are now listed in the mobile app.
* Speaker pictures are now part of the speaker page
* Automatic user account creation and credential distribution upon event registration!
This means that as soon as you sign up for an event on www.spsevents.org a mobile app user account and password is created and emailed to you as part of your registration confirmation.
This reduces work on the event organizers and all of us who support the app.
The user account allows you to log into the app to build your own personalized event session schedule which you can easily access on the main page upon login.
Existing Features and functionality
* Cross device compatibility
* View mobile app announcements
* Browse upcoming SPS Events
* Search for upcoming SPS Events
* View individual SPS Events details including:
Date, time, location, Bing map, link to event web site, Twitter hash tag, event contact information
* Contact an event organizer
* Submit feedback about the application
* Search and browse the sessions for each SPS Event
* Browse speaker details for each session
* Browse all the sessions a speaker is presenting
* Allow users to log into the application and personalize it for the SPS Event they are attending. This includes the following things.
Select which SPS Events you are attending
Browse sessions and add them to your personal schedule for a given SPS Events
View your personal session schedule
Add sessions to your personal email calendar
Spread the Word!
Everyone at SPS Events is very excited about SPS Events Mobile! Please spread the word on Twitter with hash tag #SPSMOBILE.
Frequently asked questions
What devices does the SPS Events Mobile application support?
The SPS Events Mobile application is available on several mobile devices including Apple, Android, and Windows Phone devices.
Who created SPS Events Mobile?
The SPS Events mobile application is brought to you by Canviz and the Aptillon. Todd Baginski, Vice President of Mobility and SharePoint Solutions at Canviz Consulting, leads the architecture and development efforts for the mobile application. Darrin Bishop, Aptillon, leads the data sync and service development efforts. Gary Lapointe, Aptillon, leads the spsevents.org web site development efforts.
How can I submit feedback?
If you have a suggestion to help improve SPS Events Mobile, or you encounter what appears to be a bug, please email us and let us know.
Does SPS Events Mobile integrate with Twitter?
Right now SPS Events Mobile displays the Twitter hash tag for a SPS Event if one is known. It also includes links to the Twitter pages for speakers and sponsors. In the future, the application may support the ability to Tweet about a given SPS event directly from the application.
Does SPS Events Mobile integrate with Facebook or LinkedIn?
Currently the app includes links to the FaceBook and LinkedIn pages for sponsors.
Does SPS Events Mobile integrate with the SPS Events web sites?
Yes, it does! See the new features section above for more details.
What do I do if I cannot remember my password?
Look in the confirmation email you received when you registered for an event on the www.spsevents.org web site. If you cannot find your confirmation email send us an email from the app and we’ll work to reset your password. We can’t make any guarantees how quickly we will be able to reset your password.