Hyper-V SharePoint Development Image: USB 2.0 vs. eSATA vs. C: shootout
December 1, 2008
Prevent My Site Sub Site Creation Code
February 7, 2009
Hyper-V SharePoint Development Image: USB 2.0 vs. eSATA vs. C: shootout
December 1, 2008
Prevent My Site Sub Site Creation Code
February 7, 2009

Todd Baginski’s SharePoint Toolkit


This file contains Todd Baginski’s SharePoint Toolkit application that was demoed during Todd’s SharePoint Object Model and Web Services Kick Start session at SharePoint Connections, in November of 2007.

The application and codebase is designed to clearly demonstrate the concepts listed below and is not considered ‘production ready’ code.

Common tasks associated with SharePoint sites
Creating a tree view of all the sites in a Portal or Site Collection
Retrieving metadata for a SharePoint site
Creating/deleting SharePoint sites via the object model
Creating/deleting SharePoint sites via web services
Listing sites in the Site Directory
Removing sites from the Site Directory

Common tasks Associated with Security
Retrieving SharePoint Site Groups and the users in the groups
Adding/removing users to/from SharePoint Site Groups
Breaking security inheritance
Creating custom SharePoint Site Groups
Assigning permission levels to SharePoint Site Groups
Common tasks associated with Navigation
Setting navigational inheritance
Creating/deleting Quick Launch and Top Menu navigation menu items

Common tasks associated with SharePoint Lists
Retrieving available List Templates
Creating SharePoint Lists programmatically
Adding/updating/deleting SharePoint List Items programmatically
Common tasks associated with Features (Time Permitting)
Activate a Feature
Deactivate a Feature

 NOTE: The application must be run on the SharePoint server.