SharePoint Connections 2007 – BDC
February 8, 2009
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February 21, 2009
SharePoint Connections 2007 – BDC
February 8, 2009
Welcome to my new blog!
February 21, 2009

SharePoint Connections 2007 – SSO


This file contains the Site Template Package (stp file) for the SharePoint Site used during Todd Baginski’s Using the MOSS SSO Service in Real World Situations session at SharePoint Connections, during November of 2007.

This STP contains all the demos, code and instructions that describe how to implement the solutions in your own environment.

The code contained in the STP includes a custom Web Part that leverages the MOSS SSO Service to access a back end database via an ODBC conneciton, a custom SSOProvider that checks if the currently logged in user is a member of a given AD group, then sets their security level appropriately, and another custom Page Viewer Web Part that has been designed to work with SSO and automatically log users into ASP.NET Web Sites that implement Forms Based Authentication.