Creating Solutions with the Business Data Catalog (BDC) Session Materials
March 5, 2008
TechEd North America 2008 Session Materials : Creating Solutions with the Business Data Catalog
June 7, 2008
Creating Solutions with the Business Data Catalog (BDC) Session Materials
March 5, 2008
TechEd North America 2008 Session Materials : Creating Solutions with the Business Data Catalog
June 7, 2008

Creating Solutions with the MOSS Single Sign On Service Session Materials

WOW!  What a day!  First, I got to meet Greg Lemond!  He is a very down to earth guy and I really enjoyed spending some time with him.  It was an experience I will certainly remember forever!  Then, believe it or not, Master Chief himself showed up in our booth in the expo hall!  As soon as I get a copy of the pictures I’ll post them here. 🙂  As if those two things were not enough excitement for one day; then I presented my Creating Solutions with the MOSS Single Sign On Service session and finally the day wrapped up with a great dinner and some good times at Kell’s Irish pub here in Seattle.  I’m very thankful for all the wonderful opportunities I’ve had this week and I’d like to send a special thank you out to all the folks who put on the Microsoft SharePoint Conference that made it all possible!

Thanks to everyone who came to my session today!  I really enjoyed presenting my session to such an enthusiastic crowd.  As promised, here you will find the materials that I presented in my session today.  Enjoy!

I can’t wait to get back home and jump on my bike again … it’s time to climb some mountains! 🙂