Office 365 Public Websites – Planning for the Future
January 28, 2015
SPS Events Mobile 7.5 Update Released
February 6, 2015In this article you will find links to many learning resources about SharePoint and mobile technology.
If you are interested in learning more about ADAL, O365 APIs, and mobile apps check out these Microsoft Virtual Academy Videos. I recorded the iOS and Android videos with Josh Gavant. Scot Hillier, Ted Pattison, and Richard diZerega recorded other platform specific videos as well. The videos discuss how to authenticate to O365 and interact with O365 SharePoint Lists and Libraries, OneDrive, and Exchange from mobile apps. The videos also contain many links to the ADAL and O365 SDKs and other developer resources pertaining to these topics.
You can find the code samples shown in the videos here, and also in the Property Inspection Code sample in OfficeDev GitHub repository describes below.
Code Samples
The Property Inspection Code sample in OfficeDev GitHub repository contains a plethora of mobile samples on the following platforms.
– Android
– iOS
– Cordova/PhoneGap
Windows Universal
– Xamarin
These Property Inspection Code sample in OfficeDev GitHub repository samples demonstrate how to do the following things with mobile apps via O365 APIs and O365 REST APIs.
– Send Email via Exchange
– CRUD operations on SharePoint Lists
Querying SharePoint list data
Creating SharePoint list data
– Updating SharePoint list data to trigger workflows
– CRUD operations on documents in SharePoint Document Libraries
Taking photos in mobiles apps and uploading to SharePoint
The Office 365 Android Starter Sample shows you basic operations using the Files and Calendar service endpoints on Office 365. It also demonstrates how to authenticate with multiple Office 365 services in a single app.
The Cordova Calendar App Sample created using Ionic demonstrates the usage of O365 Calendar API to read, filter, delete and add event. It lists the events into 3 different categories.
The Cordova Contact Client App created using Ionic demonstrates the usage of O365 Contact API to read add contact.
The Cordova Mail App Sample created using Ionic demonstrates the usage of O365 Mail API to read, filter and delete mail. It lists the user mails into 3 different categories a.) Important, b.) Unread and c.) All mails.\
The Xamarin Android Office 365 Sample shows how to use query Office 365 API service from a Xamarin Android project. This is your simplest example to learn how to use the ADAL binding sin a Xamarin project. The Xamarin project in the Property Inspection code sample uses the same approach.
Getting Started with O365 APIs in Xamarin Projects