Confirm PowerApps Exit
June 13, 2019
Leave Request PowerApps Sample
July 9, 2019In this video I demonstrate how to log Exceptions, Events, and Page Views to Azure Application Insights from both a Custom Connector and Flows.
This allows you to capture telemetry about your application to help you understand how your users use it, what errors may be occurring, and how to fix things quickly!
Get the PowerApp here: https://toddbaginski.com/blog/files/PowerApps/Error Handling Demo App Sample.msapp
Get the Azure Functions here: https://github.com/TBag/app-insights-azure-functions
This video builds on the error handling pattern I demonstrate in a previous video. I highly recommend you watch the error handling video first. Here’s a link to it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wceC7ib7nk